Whether because you believe that religion is evolutionarily advantageous or simply a byproduct of other advantageous human characteristics, the fact of the matter is that humans are predisposed to being religious. To attempt to completely eliminate religion from human society would be pointless because we would have to first eliminate all the traits that make humans likely to turn to religion. Athiests may turn people toward science to feed their insatiable hunger for answers to why things happen but in order for their attempts to fully catch on in society, science would, in a sense, have to become a religion itself and perhaps, in a way, it already is a religion to many athiests. Science can provide answers to many questions about the way things are and perhaps the reason that religion has been around since the beginnings of human history is that it tried to answer the many of the same questions that science now tries to answer.
Nonetheless, science and scientific facts can never provide what religions require, and that is faith in something unseen. Faith requires that something be unproven. Belief in something also unites people under a common belief.
On a different note: reading the article about why people believe in a god was enlightening from a scientific biological, evolutionary and psychological standpoint and I really enjoyed reading it because it was neither particularly for or against religion, it just attempted to explain why it exists. It didn't promote a strong opinion one way or the other which I found to be refreshing. I felt like by the end of the article it was up to the reader to decide whether religion is something that should be paid attention to and taken seriously or taken as a flaw of the human mind or a mechanism that promotes survival in humans.
I am in complete agreement with your first paragraph. To be realistic, it is unfeasible for religion to ever fall out of existence. I am not too religious, but I went often when I was younger, and now have realized how integral religion is to our society. In just about every aspect religion affects our daily lives. May that affect be good or bad, it has shaped our society into being what it is today. I honestly could not imagine what life would be without religion.